
Del Holder

Calisthenics Coach

Hi, my name is Del. I've been in the fitness industry for 17 years and I specialise in teaching Calisthenics to beginners wanting to master the basics in order to become capable of manipulating their own body weight. To complement that, I combine Kettlebells for gaining muscles, melting body fat, Boxing training for cardiovascular fitness and flexibility/mobility to improve posture. With all of the above you'll build super strength and eventually become capable in Calisthenics and an all round athlete. I am so passionate about these training methods because I fell in love with Calisthenics when I was a Boxer. We use to do loads of body weight training, which I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of pushing myself to new levels. It also helped too as my coach was dead set against me doing weights. His ethos was, If you can walk around with your body weight, you must be able to push and pull your body weight. After all those years I have continued to train with my body weight and teach beginners with no strength to become capable of pushing and pulling their body weight. Calisthenics is more than just a physical activity. It's very much about mindfulness, getting inside your head and focusing on yourself. There is no other choice when you're learning to move in a new way because you have to concentrate on what you're doing, thus leaving little brain space for the worries and stresses of your life.

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Del Holder